I've managed to forget my lovesickness-induced depression long enough to log... Oh that's right. I remember now. I'm depressed.
- Scubjk,sak,dsk,dxzkk,cxzk,k
Whomper has propped me up at my computer insisting I need to do something other than listen to sad music and eat lunchable after lunchable. Maybe answering some reader mail will temporarily suppress my malaise/improve my mood. I doubt it, but here goes:
Scuba Owl,Well the truth is I'm not 'bipedal.' I am a bi-taloned, feathered, winged, endothermic, vertebrate, and supposedly egg-laying animal with binocular vision and a knack for estimating depth of field.
Long time reader, first time reader mail writer. Love the blog. So in your last post you referred to Chicken Poktapus as an 'octopedal obstacle.' I just read an article I thought you might find interesting. It suggests that octopi are not octopedal, as previously though, but rather that two of their tentacles are in fact arms, making them bipedal like us. Here's a link to the link. What are your thoughts on that?
Keep up the great work. Your fan,
Raymond B.
Secondly, I am familiar with the assertion that octopi are in fact bipedal, but I find said assertion ludicrous. I mean, what's next? I suppose you're going to tell me octopi are intelligent creatures that have jobs, communicate with others, drink coffee and trade on the stock market? I've had an artist draw up a concept of this ridiculous... concept, just so we can all see how ridiculous it is.
(Click to enlarge)
I hope this puts the octopus/doppiopus debate to rest.
Still depressed,
Editor's note: Owls are birds, and birds are in fact bipedal.
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